Anggota parlemen anti-Islam Belanda, Geert Wilders, telah membatalkan sebuah kontes kartun Nabi Muhammad. Kontes tersebut dibatalkan karena adanya ancaman pembunuhan dan protes besar-besaran di Pakistan, sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh The Guardian. Baca:
Far-right Dutch MP cancels Muhammad cartoon competition
Geert Wilders drops plans for controversial contest in November following death threats
Thousands of people marched in Pakistan’s capital to protest the planned event. Photograph: Shahzaib Akber/EPA
Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders has cancelled a planned contest inviting people to submit a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad following death threats and large-scale protests in Pakistan.
“To avoid the risk of victims of Islamic violence, I have decided not to let the cartoon contest go ahead,” the far-right opposition politician said in a written statement on Thursday night.
Wilders, who for years has lived under round-the-clock protection because of death threats sparked by his fierce anti-Islam rhetoric, said he does not want others put in danger by the contest he planned for November.
News of the competition sparked angry protests in Pakistan and an alleged death threat against Wilders this week from a 26-year-old man, reportedly a Pakistani, who was arrested on Tuesday in The Hague.
Physical depictions of the prophet are forbidden in Islam and are deeply offensive to Muslims.
“It’s not just about me,” Wilders said in the statement. Opponents of the event “see not only me, but the entire Netherlands as a target”.
Geert Wilders had planned to hold the event in November. Photograph: Francois Walschaerts/Reuters
The contest was to have been held at the tightly guarded offices of his Party for Freedom in the Dutch parliament building. The Dutch government had been at pains to distance itself from the contest.
Prime minister Mark Rutte last week questioned Wilders’ motives. “His aim is not to have a debate about Islam,” he said. “His aim is to be provocative.”
However, Rutte added that people in the Netherlands have far-reaching freedom of speech rights and the government did not intend to seek the contest’s cancellation.
Before news of the contest’s cancellation, thousands of Islamists had set out to march toward Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, in protest.
Some 10,000 supporters of the far-right religious group Tehreek-e-Labbaik set out on the march on Wednesday, calling on Khan to cut diplomatic ties with the Netherlands.
• This article was amended on 31 August 2018. Due to comments from a Tehreek-e-Labbaik spokesman, an earlier version said the party helped Imran Khan become prime minister. A Tehreek-e-Labbaik spokesman has since said the party did not support Imran Khan, and this has been removed.
“Untuk menghindari risiko korban kekerasan Islam, saya telah memutuskan untuk tidak membiarkan kontes kartun berlangsung,” kata politisi oposisi sayap kanan dalam sebuah pernyataan tertulis pada Kamis (30/8) malam.
Wilders, yang selama bertahun-tahun telah hidup di bawah perlindungan sepanjang waktu karena ancaman kematian yang dipicu oleh retorika anti-Islamnya yang keras, mengatakan dia tidak ingin orang lain terancam karena kontes yang tadinya dia rencanakan akan dihelat bulan November.
Berita tentang kontes itu memicu protes kemarahan di Pakistan. Selain itu terdapat dugaan ancaman kematian terhadap Wilders dari seorang pria berusia 26 tahun, dilaporkan dia adalah orang Pakistan, yang telah ditangkap di Den Haag.
“Ini bukan hanya tentang saya,” kata Wilders dalam pernyataannya. Orang yang menentang “melihat bukan hanya saya, tetapi seluruh Belanda sebagai target.”
Kontes itu tadinya akan diselenggarakan dengan penjagaan yang ketat di kantor Partai Kebebasan yang dipimpin oleh Wilders di gedung parlemen Belanda.
Perdana Menteri (PM) Belanda Mark Rutte mempertanyakan motif Wilders. “Tujuannya bukan untuk berdebat tentang Islam,” katanya. “Tujuannya adalah untuk menjadi provokatif.”
Namun, Rutte menambahkan, bahwa orang-orang di Belanda memiliki hak kebebasan berbicara yang luas dan pemerintah tidak berniat untuk membatalkan kontes tersebut.
Sebelum adanya berita tentang pembatalan kontes, ribuan orang telah berangkat berjalan menuju ibukota Pakistan, Islamabad, sebagai bentuk protes.
Sekitar 10.000 pendukung kelompok agama ekstrem kanan, Tehreek-e-Labbaik, berangkat dalam pawai, menyerukan kepada Imran Khan, PM Pakistan, untuk memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Belanda.
Penusukan Turis
Dilansir dari The News, menyusul peristiwa penusukan di Amsterdam pekan lalu, Wilders mengatakan bahwa dia tidak memiliki rencana, setidaknya untuk saat ini, untuk menyelenggarakan kembali kontes kartun penghinaan. Baca:
'Shaken' Geert Wilders says no blasphemous caricatures contest,for now
CERNOBBIO: Dutch lawmaker and anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders has said he has no plans, for now, to revive blasphemous caricatures contest after it emerged as a motive for a stabbing in Amsterdam last week.
Wilders, speaking on the sidelines of a conference in Italy, expressed shock over the attack, in which a man stabbed and injured two American tourists at Amsterdam´s central station.
Dutch media identified the assailant as a 19-year-old Afghan.
The attack came after Wilders cancelled plans to hold the cartoon competition, which had also drawn a complaint by Pakistan´s new foreign minister.
"For now I will not be doing it soon again, for sure," Wilders told Reuters at the Ambrosetti conference, where he had been invited to speak on the future of the European Union.
"On the one hand you say that you should never give in to people who threaten to use violence against freedom of speech," he said, adding that he had spent 15 years living in safe houses and escorted by a security detail due to constant death threats.
"If it would have been only about me, I would have continued and done it again but it was not only about me -- it was about innocent people," he said.
Wilders, yang berbicara di sela-sela konferensi di Italia, menyatakan terkejut atas serangan itu, di mana seorang pria menikam dan melukai dua turis asal Amerika Serikat di stasiun pusat Amsterdam.
Media Belanda mengidentifikasi penyerang itu sebagai seorang Afghanistan berusia 19 tahun.
Serangan itu terjadi setelah Wilders membatalkan rencana untuk menggelar kompetisi kartun, yang juga telah memunculkan protes dari Menteri Luar Negeri Pakistan yang baru.
“Untuk saat ini saya tidak akan segera melakukannya lagi, pasti,” kata Wilders kepada Reuters pada konferensi Ambrosetti, di mana dia diundang untuk berbicara tentang masa depan Uni Eropa.
“Di satu sisi anda mengatakan bahwa anda tidak boleh menyerah pada orang-orang yang mengancam menggunakan kekerasan terhadap kebebasan berbicara,” katanya. Dia juga menambahkan bahwa dia telah menghabiskan 15 tahun tinggal di rumah pengamanan yang dijaga dengan sangat ketat karena adanya ancaman kematian yang datang terus menerus.
“Jika itu hanya tentang saya, saya akan melanjutkan dan melakukannya lagi tetapi itu bukan hanya tentang saya – itu tentang orang-orang yang tidak bersalah,” katanya.
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